Interactive Social Studies Games, Simulations & History Presentations

Your Source for Interactive History Simulations and Engaging Presentations

Interactive, Hands-On Resources To Engage Your Students And Increase Higher-Order Thinking Skills

In our History Simulation lesson activities, your students are assigned roles as world leaders and given objectives that mirror the national interests of those countries.

Guided by these objectives, students conduct diplomacy, negotiate with other countries, and develop strategies. This creates a dynamic classroom where students are self-motivated to be engaged as they are confronted with complex situations and difficult decisions.

With our new online World History Simulator Platforms, you'll find implementing Gamification easier than ever to administer, and they'll create an even better experience for your students!

Why should teachers use History Simulations in the Classroom? Social Studies Games promote the social and emotional growth of kids, logical reasoning, and decision making. Simulations increase social interaction and enhance problem-solving skills, individually as well as in a group setting. Using World History Simulations is a unique way to increase your students' interest and enthusiasm for history! Using simulations for education makes learning fun and increases understanding of why events in history happened. You will also find Common Core Social Studies Reports included.

Social Studies Games Build 21st Century Skills

The term 21st Century Skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed-by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others-to be critically important to success in today's world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces.  Generally speaking, 21st-century skills can be applied in all academic subject areas and in all educational, career, and civic settings throughout a student's life.

History Simulations require students to practice a wide variety of 21st-century skills as they engage with the material and each other.

For more detail, see History Simulations & 21st Century Skills

History Simulations Achieve Multiple Common Core State Standards

The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects represent the next generation of K–12 standards designed to prepare all students for success in college, career, and life by the time they graduate from high school.

The standards establish guidelines for English language arts (ELA) as well as for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. Because students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, the standards promote the literacy skills and concepts required for college and career readiness in multiple disciplines.

History simulations challenge students to communicate effectively in a variety of ways as they engage with the subject matter and each other.

Learn which of The Common Core standards history simulations address.

Podcasts About History Simulations (TM)



Host Larry Jacobs interviews History Teacher David Harms, creator of, and IFAHS Principal Tony Neumann about the effects of History Simulations in the classroom. The three discuss the engagement and critical thinking that these History Simulations have facilitated in their History Classrooms. Edu-talk-radio is Talk Radio for educators and administrators about educational products and services with industry and professional guests, K-university.

Click the link to listen to Interview:

Cool Cat Teacher

Cool Cat Teacher

History teacher David Harms uses simulations to teach history. Whether it is World War 1, World War 2, the Cold War, or the American Civil War, learn how these immersive “games” teach history much more deeply than most textbooks. We can engage and excite this generation about history. 

Click the link to listen to Interview:

Teaching History With Simulations and Game Based Learning (TM)

The Marvin Byrd Show

The Marvin Byrd Show

"I've never been good at history." This is the mental barrier heard by many history teachers. Today, history is not solely about memorizing facts and events. It's about judging mistakes and praising good decisions throughout history. This involves a high level of analysis. Students have to go on a journey through time and see the event from the perspective of the people who were there. That is the challenge of a teacher who desires to maintain a high level of rigor in their lessons. Mr. Dave Harms joins this edition of The Marvin Byrd Show. He shares with us a simulation he created to increase rigor and engage all students.

Click the link to listen to Interview:

Engaging students with Historical Simulations


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