World War 2 Simulation

France 5, 1938

It’s only orientation day and the tension is already building. We have found out who we (as allies) can trust and who we can’t. I’m getting a weird  vibe from Emilee Knipfel. China is an ally but she has also made her way into the axis war room. I’m not sure what to think about it right now. Natural Resources were definitely a hot topic today. The allies made sure that we were all on the same page about not letting the pacific Natural resources slip into the hands of the axis powers. We received all of our oil from Great Britain and We are trying to get rubber from them also. That would be a huge help to our situation by increasing our power rating. I also think Belgium will be germany’s main infiltration point into France. I am also very grateful for the protective wall keeping Germany from directly attacking France.  Im hoping Britain also sends troops either into F1 or Belgium to help defend.

France 5, 1939

This was kind of an interesting day. We did gain all of our natural resources thanks to Great Britain. And I now have a surplus of Coal and iron which I can give to Poland to help Complete my objective of Honoring my alliance with them. The British were able to take Germany’s navy. I am kind of suspicious of Italy’s navy also. They wanted access to the Western Mediterranean Sea but backed out when my navy wouldn’t let them through. It’s only the second day and I am already feeling a rush to get my objectives complete. Belgium was attacked by Germany today and we sent troops along with British forces to Protect it. We gained the United States as an ally which will help in the defense of France. I’m starting to realize how screwed France was from the beginning. It will be hard to defend F3 along with F1 at the same time. I don’t have that many troops and my Military rating seems non existent even after gaining all of my Natural Resources.

France 5, 1940

Tension is rising in France. Germany is most likely going to attack from Belgium today. There was a behind the scenes talk with Germany during weights the other day, Sage wanted me to move troops out of F1 and F2 into F3 so he could complete an objective of taking france without using force and then I would be able to take it back over after he left. I had a bad feeling about this and I also don’t trust Sage. We are building forces in F1 to try to defend France as well as we can. I’m not sure what else we can do to defend ourselves at this point because we have to keep troops in southern France to defend against Italy who are also on the verge of attacking. Germany did take over F1 but we widled them down to 1,400 sum troops. Now if I split the rest of my army between F2 and F3 then we will hopefully complete our objective of retaining our land, or at least attempting to.

France 5, 1941

A sad day in France. Germany finally took over France. We do still have French Indo China and French North Africa and now Libya. Great Britain, France, and The United States Navy’s are starting to move troops from The U.S. into Great Britain. From there we will be able to start pumping them into Europe. I am also wanting to eliminate Italy’s Navy. They are the only naval threat that we have to worry about. If we get them out of the way we will be able to move our navy’s with a better peace of mind. And also not have to worry about the Axis moving troops by sea.

France 5, 1942

Good day today! Although Germany seems to be spreading and getting bigger, I feel like the Allies are in more control. As long as the united states keeps gaining troops and navy, then we will be able to start attacking Germany. The allies gained and then lost the USSR today. Not sure what the U.S. was thinking when they did this. Sage (Germany) is kind of getting worried. He even talked about trying to make peace talks with us today. I think he is scared that he will be the only Axis power left. We are going to try to convince Italy to switch sides. This would be a huge gain of not only a few troops but also navy.

France 5, 1943

Today has the potential of being one of the most strategically important days yet. I have talked with Great Britain (Jacob Coulson) about needing Italy on our side. We thought that Germany would let us peacefully go through france to get to Italy but we realized how much danger we would be in. We changed our plan to send Naval forces up to the U.S. and move troops back to F3 and take it over. D-Day! Once we get a foothold in Europe, we can start advancing towards Germany. Sage is throwing Italy under the bus and using her navy while their alliance is still good. Soon we hope to gain Italy and their navy to help move more troops into Europe. But I don’t think she will join us unless it looks hopeless for Germany. Hopefully by taking F3, we will help her realize who is in control. Unfortunately she has already lost over half of her navy by letting Sage tell her to attack French and Great Britain’s navy in the Mediterranean.

France 5, 1944

Today was another huge day for the Allies! Great Britain and the U.S. took back F1 and actually took G1 for part of the day. Germany is really running low on troops. We are trying to get Bulgaria, and Hungary to join us. It would save a lot of moves and troops that we would lose if we had to fight them. If we can gain those countries, we will have a more secure perimeter built up around Germany and we will be able to take them that much quicker. The more we can surround them, the quicker we can choke them out. It is really looking good for the Allies, all we could need is more time.

France 5, 1945

Interesting finish to the simulation. I had originally planed on finishing off the Germans, but Great Britain and I realized that we didn’t need to continue fighting the Germans and that We needed to take back the Middle East countries from Italy more. We gained F1 back and then continued to take Italy. We also gained back some middle east territories like Palestine. The U.S. went back and forth on making alliances with Italy. This made Great Britain want to back out of the Allies and France would have to follow. In the end, The U.S. broke ties with Italy and no body backed out of the Alliance. Which is probably good because Halder would have just taken Great Britain and someone would have Flunked. I wish we had at least one more day to sort everything out and completely destroy the Italians. (TM)

