World War 2 Simulation

States 1 1938: Day 1

I am planning to stay neutral unless I get attacked. If I get
attacked I’m going to fight back to defend my country so it doesn’t
get taken over. I’m also going to supply Great Britain and Japan with
resources. Since Japan is not an Allie with the United States I will
be able to control them from wanting to go to war with the United
States or to try and take over the United States. If they go to war
with us I will not supply them with resources. Then that would stir
up turmoil with the United States and japan and Japan’s Allies.

States 2 1939: day 2

Great Britain and the United States help each other out with
resources and we plan on helping each other by supplying each other
with resources. I am going to stay neutral until attacked. Staying
neutral will allow the U.S. to stay out of the fight of the Axis
powers. I am planning on helping out the allies when they go to war
if they need the help. Germany took over Poland which is frightening
to the rest of the allies knowing that the axis powers are able to
take over the rest of the allies. They Allies are going to have to
make a lot more alliances with different countries so they are able
to defend their land.

States 3 1940: day 3

I am trying to decide if the United States should supply Japan with
oil so they don’t attack us. They wouldn’t have to attack us because
we are supply their country with resources. On the other had we could
supply them with oil/recourses and they could end up attacking us to
take all we have of our recourses. If they were to attack us and take
over they wouldn’t have to have the United States to supply them
because they already have the supplies. I am planning on allying with
Great Britain and France just incase I get attacked by the axis.

States 4 1941: day 4

year I became alliances with Great Britain and France. I allied with
them because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. I
decided to cut of the supplies from Japan because they attacked the
US after we have been suppling them with oil. I have a feeling this
is going to start turmoil but it was the best to do since they
attacked part of the US. I am trying to get the USSR to ally with the
allies because we will be able to take out part of the Axis because
the USSR has a lot of troops. We will also be able to supply them
with the resources they need. Now for the allies we are going to try
and get the netherlands back so we can have their resources back.

States 5 1942: day 5

year I keep gaining Army and Navy which is good to my advantage
because it will make our navy and army stronger and harder for the
axis powers to take over my country. I am slowly getting resources
for my country and I am helping my allies to make sure they get the
resources they need. I am more worried about protecting my country,
because Japan has been attacking part of my country, they have been
attacking most of the Philippines and Pearl Harbor. They took over
the Philippines this year by attacking my navy. I was able to defend
Pearl Harbor and Next year i am planning on putting my troops in
Pearl Harbor because they seem to be wanting to take over Pearl
Harbor and I am going to do what I can to keep it a part of the US.
Britain has been helping protect my county so they are one of my
biggest allies.

States 6 1943: day 6

is attacking Pearl Harbor a lot and I am trying to get my navy down
to Pearl Harbor to gain the territory back. It going to take time to
get my Navy there but my goal is to get Pearl Harbor back. I think
Japan’s goal is to take over the US, and I am having Great Britain
help me from not being taken over. I am gaining troops and navy every
year which is going to help a lot during war. My Navy has been
mobilized and I am now going to re attack Japan that took over Pearl
Harbor. I won the navy war against Japan navy that was around Pearl
Harbor and now I whipped out there navy. I now have control again
over Pearl Harbor. Being able to mobilize my navy and troops each
year is an advantage for the US helps my rating and numbers.

Sates 7 1944: day 7

working on protecting my country and Pearl Harbor I’m trying to
decide if I want to attack the Philippines. Japan has a lot of Navy
and troops around the Philippines. Its hard to fight against the Axis
because they have so many troops and when we fight against the Axis
all they do is kill of our troops and there is nothing we can do. All
of their armies are in one spot which is easy for them to move to
protect the land we would fight against to take over. It takes the
Allies to much time to move their troops to protect land.

States 8 1945: day

allies have gotten a lot of territories taken over and we are going
to try and just keep the territories we have now and try not to get
them taken over. It is hard for us to get our territories back
because the Axis are now to powerful. I haven’t lost any of my
territory which is good and I plan on not losing it. We were able to
keep what we had for the last day of the simulation and was able to
stop the Axis if they attacked us with war so they weren’t able to
take anymore of our land. If we had more time we would be able to
defeat the axis.

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