WW1 Lesson Plan

Period 3

Austria Hungry 1914
Today is the first full day of the Simulation and to be honest, I am VERY confused but my objectives say to honor an alliance with Germany so I plan to do that and Austria-Hungry and Germany also plan to form an alliance with Belgium so Great Britain can’t travel through Belgium to get to Germany.

Period 3

Austria Hungry 1915
Today was a good start to the simulation. Austria-Hungry honored its alliance with Germany by helping them attack Russia (R1).  Austria- Hungry and Germany plan to continue to take over Russia by attacking R2 & R3 while the Ottoman Empire attacks R4. Austria-Hungry hopes to talk with the Ottoman Empire and reassure a true alliance so maybe they could help up take over Serbia since they have Bulgaria too. Germany and Austria-Hungry also hope to have enough troops in  A1, A2 & G2 so when/if Great Britain, France, and Italy attack us, we can defend ourselves to retain our original territory. We also announced that the Slaves have representation in the government.

Period 3

Austria Hungry 1916
Today was very frustrating because Italy allied with allied powers so now, France can attack us through Italy. Austria- Hungry announced that the Slavs now have representation in the government. Austria-Hungry is surrounded because we think the allied powers may try to attack us through Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Italy, and Russia. The only way to stop this is to take over Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. Attacking Serbia would also help us accomplish one of our objectives.

Period 3

Austria Hungry 1917
Today we stuck to our plan and took over Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. We hope that this will help us from being attacked so we can retain our original territory. We don’t plan on declaring any more war because we just want to retain our territory and we feel that declaring war on another country may cause us to be attacked.

Period 3

Austria Hungry 1918
Since France and Great Britain took over O1 so it didn’t really effect us because although we do have an alliance with the Ottoman Empire, we are too far away to help them at all and also, the allied countries would have to move through a lot of countries to get to Austria-Hungry so we are planning to just lay low and protect our original territory.

Period 3

Austria Hungry FINAL DAY.
Today was VERY nerve racking because we were seconds away from being attacked BUT we were saved by the bell! We accomplished our objective! I was SO excited.

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