World War I Simulation

Germany 1 1913

We are planning to take over France, the easiest way to get to paris is through Italy. Speaking of Italy, we want to make an alliance with them so it is easier for us to get to France without anyone getting killed on the way. Our next target place is Russia. They have a strong military so we have to be careful that we don’t get too confident in what our abilities are. We are at an alliance with the Ottoman Empire so they can also help take over Russia. On the way one of us might as well take over Bulgaria so they are out of the way. Paris or bust!!

Germany 1 1914

We agreed with the Ottoman Empire that they are going to take over Bulgaria so we don’t have to worry about them trying to attack us. Once they took it over we sent our navy to attack the Russian navy and we came out victorious! (That’s a shocker.) We also took over part of Russian land and we surprisingly came out victorious in that battle too. I don’t know how they thought they could stand a chance but France thought they could take over part of Germany and we ended up winning that fight also. Hopefully now that we know we can be victorious over France, we will be able to take over Paris and conquer France. That is the next goal we are trying to accomplish. Germany’s two main goals are to take over France and Russia. Oh, and not that this is a big deal, but while we were at it, we decided to take over Belgium too.

Germany 1 1915

Now that France took back their capital we don’t really want to go after France. Our main goal is to close in on Russia with the Ottoman Empire. I think that if we get enough troops between the two countries we should be able to be victorious. We have to watch out for our navy because the British has a good navy and they could attack anytime. We are waiting to see what strategy Serbia and Greece are going to go with because we want to take them over also. When Russia declared war on us they used poison gas and we didn’t, but we still were victorious. You can surrender anytime now Russia!

Germany 1 1916

The British took out our navy which wasn’t a huge issue but it isn’t the best thing that can happen. The country that is the most concerning at this point is Great Britain. Especially since the United States joined the Allied Powers they are more intimidating. We have to keep a good military and try to keep as many troops as we can. We declared war on Russia and they gave up and they only sent 1,000 troops, we had an easy defeat. We also declared war on Romania and even when they sent all their troops and used poison gas we were still victorious. Russia finally surrendered because they knew they didn’t have a chance to take over the Central Powers. So now we don’t have to worry about them anymore. The Central Powers pretty much want to take over all of Europe so we thought we might as well get Serbia and Romania out of the way. The British, French, and the Italian navy are all moving towards Southern France so they can come together. The U.S. joined the Allied Powers this year after being neutral for two years.

Germany 1 1917

There was a lot of navy movement from the Allied Powers and they are all finally starting to come together. We moved our U boats from the Baltic Sea zone to the North Sea zone to get closer to Great Britain. Even though Russia didn’t have any power left, the Central Powers still took out their navy. Just because. The Allied Powers teamed up against Germany to get Belgium back but it wasn’t a big deal because we don’t really need Belgium. All of the Allied Powers are finally closing in on the Central Powers after three years, and we will be ready for them! All the countries in the Central Powers still has plenty of troops to defend ourselves, so I think we will be ok.  Bring it on Allied Powers!!

Germany 1 1918

The Allied Powers took back so of their territory like Belgium and Libya. We tried to take over French North Africa but the Allied Powers were victorious. France took over part of Germany but that’s ok because in the end the Central Powers won the war. And besides that we took over some of France so we were kind of even anyway. Germany ended pretty good because we still had quite a bit of troops left after we defended ourselves from three other countries. We worked well with our allies and we couldn’t have won the war without them. We are just glad we took over most of Europe because that was our main goal.

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