Dear Journal,
The Soviet Union and I have come to a consensus. We both do not want to start nuclear war, however, he wishes to take over all of Europe. Because I do not which to start a nuclear war, I will make it known. Knowing how the United States is, they will not fire unless fired upon. I hope that my fellow Soviet Union ally will not take things to far and make America think that we’re trying to make nuclear war.
All I can say is that I’m not ready for a nuclear war and the devastation that it brings—like it did in Japan. However, after my past with America—could they want war, or to attack me? Dare the United States be so daring as to attack me? I’ll have to ask the Soviet Union to bring me medium nuclear warfare.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Journal,
Tensions all day have been running high, and everyone is on alert. My ally has given China nuclear warfare, and China had betrayed them by attacking them! Who knew the tides could turn so quickly?! What should I make out of everything??? I mean I knew that Stalin would attack harshly, but for the Nato to turn China against him?
And as if things can get any worse—and Nato can’t be any more heartless! Nato has reached Defcon Two and are ready to strike their nuclear weaponry. What do I DO? What if they attack me! I mean they’ve done it in the past—I bet they just want to attack! Well, America, I’m going to get nukes from the Soviet Union! Yes, you bomb me, I bomb you!
Sincerely yours,
Dear Journal,
I’ve convinced the Soviet Union to give me nukes. However, before he gave me the nukes he had the decency to tell me to nuke America! AS IF! I wanted to have the nukes for protection…not to start war… My objective was not to invade the U.S. but to keep it from happening. However, I wanted the nukes to retaliate just in case they nuked me because of the launch on warning! How could the Soviet Union try to corrupt everything like this…
Of course, I’m here…writing my last letter, thirty minuets before all the bombs land all over. How can the Soviet Union go against what they said! They wanted Europe—not to nuke the whole earth and bring destruction to it! How could they go against everything they’ve said! …Alas, I hope that I have done enough and that death will come quick—for I don’t want to walk the earth one foot in the grave and the other on the grounds of the earth…
Sincerely yours,