Norway- Norway’s involvement is little to zero. Norway is keeping to themselves and remain with their allies. Norway just needs to keep their territory and stay OUT of the war.
Sweden- Sweden’s involvement is also little to none. They need to keep out of the war at ALL costs. Although Sweden had 18 iron and countries are gonna wanna take Sweden over to get those resources. But maybe making alliances will stop people from coming to attack me. And if someone was coming for me, I am just going to give them what they want.
Norway- Today Norway just sat to themselves and watched everyone. One thing Norway has to do is remain neutral to my powers. Also, just keeping my territory if I don’t intrude anybody and keep to my lonesome I would stay to myself.
Sweden-Today Sweden stayed to itself. One thing Sweden has is to NOT go into war.Although Sweden is high on iron ore, and if a country wanted some iron I would have to give it to them to remain my powers.
Norway- Today Great Britain asked to make an alliance so I have agreed, Hoping that if I get attacked that their navy will help me keep my county. So far throughout the day I am still retaining my country, and Hoping that no one comes for me.
Sweden- Today Great Britain asked to make an Alliance so I have agreed, hoping that they will help me keep my land and country. But hoping by the end of today I still have my country and my resources. Hoping that Great Britain and my Neutrals help me if needed. Today Germany offered to make an Alliance with Sweden and I said Yes. If we have a secret alliance I can stay Neutral and He won’t attack me. Also, I gave Germany 5 Iron since I have 18 to begin with. Since I gave them Iron they wont attack and take me over. So now I have a secret alliance and wasn’t taken over.
Norway- Norway is staying out of the way again and obtaining my objectives which is to do nothing. And nobody is attacking me or trying to come after me so I am basically just chilling to myself hoping and crossing my fingers that nobody comes to take Norway over. If someone were to I would have no chance of saving myself.
Sweden-Japan needed some help, and so I gave them 5 Iron just to remain Neutral with everyone because I don’t want any alliances coming to attack me when I don’t have anything to do to offend me. Also, Japan gave me One piece of Rubber, that they acquired from Burma, So Japan and Sweden are on great terms.
Norway- It was a boring day for Norway for we don’t ever do much. My fellow Neutrals, the USSR Turned Allied but we are staying civil and friends which is good because if they wanted to they could take me over.
Sweden- It was also a boring day for Sweden as well, we are just sitting waiting for people to either attack or leave us alone. I am glad no ones has came for us yet. If they did I don’t have any hope to save myself and there is almost no one that would help me, to keep my country. The only reason people would attack me would to get my Iron, if thats the reason I may be able to make an agreement with them and Give them some.
Norway- Today I did the same thing I have been doing for a couple days. My strategy here is to lay low and pretend I’m not here. Hoping that if the people forget I’m here then they will forget to come for me.
Sweden Today I did the same thing again. I am hoping that people forget I’m here so they don’t come for me. If people forget that I’m here then hopefully they wont come for me and I will be able to fulfill my objective all the way.
Norway-Things are looking good for Norway, as to nobody has came to attack me or take anything from me. The Allied powers and I have an alliance and They are taking over the surrounding Axis powered countries. Which is good for me who is neutral and very vulnerable. As long as people don’t cross the water or come through the USSR I should be good.
Sweden- Things are looking good for Sweden and nobody is coming for me yet. As long as nobody comes for me I should be set and safe. There is one day of this war left, tomorrow, and if nobody comes for me I will have all my objectives and I wouldn’t have went into war. Which I can not do and I will be neutral. I am hopefully, fingers crossed, all set for the end of this war.
Norway- Well it is the last say of the war and I made it through without being taken over. I stayed neutral and had a few alliances along the way which I believe helped me tremendously into not being taken over. I stayed out of the war drama and stayed my own country. I didn’t gather the resources I needed though, but there was nobody I would have been able to attain those from. I am glad no one came for me, So my objectives for this war were a success. I remained neutral and I kept my land. It was a successful war for Norway. Although looking at the maps, the whole map changed in just a short day. The USSR was shortly taken over by Japan and the Axis powers, which made me a little weary because if they took over Finland then they could have taken over Sweden and then eventually Norway, because Norway had little to no troops so I would have been taken over the last day which would have been unfortunate.
Sweden- Well, as it was the last day of the war I successfully stayed neutral and as my own country and I avoided war at every cost possible. Earlier on in the war Germany was planning on attacking me for my Iron but I figured if I could just give them the Iron they hopefully wouldn’t have attacked me, which they didn’t So I successfully kept to myself. Although the Axis powers were slowly taking over the USSR, and I was a little worried they would take over Finland as well, and then Sweden, but thankfully they didn’t. All in all, I stayed out of the war and stayed my own country with little to no obstacles.