WWI Simulation

Italy period 1 1913

We have come up with a plan which is to stay nurtural until we can South Tyrol from Austria Hungary. We also planed to make alliances with France, Germany, Austria Hungary and Russia and that plan work wonderfully. As I look around most of the other countries have formed alliances as well. Austria Hungary’s Arch duke was assonated and Austria Hungry blamed it on Siberia. Siberia delivered a speech saying that they were not responsible for the assassination of

Austria Hungary’s Arch Duke.

Its bad enough that Russia has started a war with Germany. Seeing this I started thinking that at this point more bad things might be on there way for the rest of the countries especially Italy. One of the things I am worried about is what would happen if one of our alliances gets defeated in battle? I don’t know if we have a backup plan for that, but if i sense that is about to happen I’ll talk to the higher ups to see what they think.  I really hope that nothing to horrible will happen to Italy.

Italy period  1 1914

We had just learned that Germany might be planing to betray us, this makes staying neutral harder for us. Our plan now is for everyone in our alliance to move in on Germany and hopefully have the Russians cut through the Austrians and try get them to the Germans. Austria Hungary has declared war on us so we had to come up with a plan on how we can win the war against them. Unfortunately We lost the battle against Austria Hungary and half of our country was overtaken by them.

It is really unfortunate that half of our country has been taken over. I kinda wish that we did move our troops so that we could have possibly prevented the current outcome form happening. Hopefully this will be the only major bad thing that come our way because I don’t want to see country being completely over taken. I also hope that none of the other countries in our alliance will turn their back on us. I really hope that everything will turn out ok in the end.

 Italy 1 period 1915

We were unable to move again because our capital was taken over by Austria Hungary in just the last year. The only objective that we have no is to develop an alliance with the allies. We had already made an alliance with the Allies in 1914. Hopefully we are able to form with them again otherwise, it will be the complete end for our country. At this point we are at a critical risk of losing everything if we don’t make an alliance with the Allies.

I’m up for this plan a hundred percent but at the same time I’m worried that this plan won’t work or that it will backfire on us. I also don’t want to see any of our allies get destroyed by the other countries. The one country that I hope doesn’t target any of our alliance members is Germany because we had heard that they were going to betray us and I still believe that is going to happen.

 Italy 1 period 1916

Once again we can’t do anything  right this moment. Part of Russia was taken over by Germany. We have no plan because we don’t have any land. We had received word that Russia had surrendered and lost 1/3 of their population, 1/3 of its agricultural land and 3/4 of its industries. At this point we don’t know what to do or whats going to happen.  I had just learned that Great Britain is going to try and take over the ottoman empire.

I hope that it will work because we want our allies to gain as much land as possible then, we might have a chance of getting our country back. I can’t believe that Russia had surrendered because we had now lost one of our allies. At this point I hope we don’t lose anymore of our alliance because if we do then we could loose our country and possibly everything else. Hopefully all of us can come up with a plan so that doesn’t happen. If we don’t have a plan soon then we might just loose the war.

 Italy period 1 1917 

We had just found out that from the Zimmerman telegraph that Germany is trying to get help from Mexico. We had decided to move our navy to the atlantic I hope we had made the right choice. It looks like all of our allies are moving their navies to the Atlantic. Russia had went into war and lost half of their land. I really don’t want any of our allies losing more land because if  they don’t lose land then there might be a chance to get our country back.

I hope that Great Britain can come up with a plan to save Russia and us. One of the things I thought of is that we should form an alliance with the United States. If we did that Then we might have a chance of getting our own country back. I talk to the higher ups about that. I hope we can get our own country back in our hands.

 Italy period 1 1918

Great Britain (one of our allies) sent some U.S. troops over to France. With some help from Great Britain the Allied powers were able to win a battle against Austria Hungary. With the help from our allies we will be able to win more battles. Germany had just wiped out all of our troops and our alliances troops. I thought things couldn’t get any worse that it already but, it turns out things have because of what just happened.

I don’t think theres not much more that we or our alliance can do. The only thing that could possibly turn this around is if one of the other countries loses some of there own troops in battle. I hope that we will be ok and be able to get back in the war. I am still worried about what our alliance is going to do with the remaining troops that they have. I hope everything will work out in the end.

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