United States – 1938
I need to to keep out of the war. I will just sit back and wait to see what unfolds in Europe. Ill keep my army at the ready but I have no need to expect to go to war.
I will continue to supply Great Britain and the Allies with my surplus natural resources. We are still trying to recover from our economic depression so we really have no desire to go to war with anyone. We shall continue to give Japan our surplus oil. As long as we can control there natural resources I don’t think we will have to worry about them. 

Norway – 1938
We have few natural resources and absolutely no desire to go to war with anyone for any reason. If we go to war it will not be a choice. If we go to war then it means we have been forced. We will not sign a single treaty and will not join an alliance with anyone.

Sweden – 1938
We are a nation of pacifists as well as a nation of few natural resources. We have no desire to enter any kind of a war. The worlds problems are there own. Who are we to get involved? However with Germany on the rise here in Europe I fear that I will have no choice but to Give in to Hitlers demands. So, I will give them what they want and in return we shall receive a defensive alliance with Germany to protect us from the USSR. However, we shall not enter the war.

United States – 1939
We are still remaining neutral at this time. The situation in Europe is only getting worse. For now we hope we can only hope that the war remains there and works itself out. We have signed a treaty with another neutral country, Belgium. The neutral countries of Norway and Sweden have been taken by the Germans. I don’t know how Europe can face an enemy that strikes without provocation. We’ve given oil to the United Kingdom in order to aid the allied powers without actually being in the war ourselves.

Norway – 1939
We did our best to remain out of the war but it seems that it was never much up to us. Germany has invaded. They’ve overthrown our government and defeated our army. We are now under the fascist rulership of Nazi Germany. Hail Hitler I suppose.

Sweden – 1939
Hitler and his army have invaded. It was inevitable I suppose. The Nazi regime and third Reich are looking to conquer anything and they can. Their thirst for power is bottomless. We have fallen to the Nazis.

United States – 1940
We stand strong by our choice to remain out of the war in Europe. Germany has taken over several other countries, we will continue to support the allies in this war however we are still not getting involved ourselves. The situation in Europe looks bleak.

United states – 1941
Pearl Harbor has been attacked! This is an outrage! We Now have no choice but to enter the war. The American people have been restless all these years because of our great depression and now this i the final straw! Germany continues to conquer Europe. We shall join the allies in this war. We have mobilized our troops and gotten our navy going as well as moved into France.

United States – 1942
We mobilized 1000 troops and deployed our navy. We and Great Britain are attacking New Guinea. We lost the battle to Japan. Our navy in the Philippines was defeated. We are suffering losses at the hands of Japan.

United States – 1943
We mobilized another 2000 troops. We’ve moved more troops into France. Germany continues to take over much of Europe.  The USSR reclaimed some of its land but Germany has taken territory from Great Britain. The USSR has taken back more land. We now have 900 troops in France. Our plan is to occupy France and then attack Germany.  Italy has joined the Allies.

United States – 1944
We mobilized 3000 troops for the war and moved 150 more troops into France. It seems like there is a lock in the power struggle as both sides seem to now be equal.

United States – 1945
We mobilized another 4000 troops and deployed a bigger navy. We attacked Belgium and lost. We continue to move troops to France. We hope to begin taking over Germany as there numbers continue to drop.

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