World War I Simulation

France 1913

Today is our first day as a country. We have just gotten word that Serbia has just killed the Austrian Arch duke. Our objectives are to regain G2 from Germany, and also regain the Alsace & lorraine from Germany. We are supposed to honor our alliances with Russia and Great Britain. Carolyn and I think that an Alliance with Montenegro would be the best thing for France. The only bad thing about our objectives is that we have to be neutral with Belgium. Which is kind of hard because they are all by themselves and don’t have anyone to help them in battle.


Rose Warrington

France 1914

Day 1

Today we started the simulations, and we immediately made alliances with tons of countries. First even before class started we had Italy approach us and ask if we wanted to have a secret alliance. We thought about it and we deiced that it was a good idea if we were going to get the Dardanelles strait back from the ottoman empire. So we decided to think about making an alliance with Bulgaria and Romania and Greece to gain the territory back. In our booklet it also said that we need to make an alliance with Montenegro, we asked the President and she said yes but in secret. We also discussed inviting his other country Serbia in the alliance and we decided to. Now in today’s world Austria Hungary’s Archduke was killed by a Serbian nationalist group. Serbia is denying everything that has happened and France is very grateful. At the end of class, I was thinking about how we also have to take back a piece of land in the Germany territory.

Day 2

Today we found out that Germany is going to try and take over the Andantes forest. Great Britain gave us 200 troops and we Belgium 82 troops to move into Germany faster. Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia and lost, then they declared war on Russia and lost horrifically. The ottoman empire took over Bulgaria and now its going to be tougher to gain the Dardanelles strait.


Rose Warrington

France 1915

Today we are thinking about moving into Germany and hopefully taking over the Ardennes forest, there are less troops in Germany G2 than there was in 1914. We declared war on Germany and lost greatly. The other central powers are declaring war on Germany and Austrian empire.

Italy attacked A1 in the Austrian empire and lost epically but made most of Austrians troops disappear. Germany declared war on us, and great Britain helped us but  we ended up losing F1. After we lost F1 Russia tried to take over O1 but lost drastically.  Now we are scrambling to make a good move to not wipe out our country. Japan made their first move also, we asked them if they wanted an alliance and they said no, because they want to stay neutral.


Rose Warrington

France 1916

The ottoman empire took back O2 with 1 troop and no fighting, seth didn’t really care if they took it back. Serbia attacked A2 and was victorious and now Russia and Romania are thinking about attacking A3.  Austria Hungary has a very good army so I don’t know what will happen with Romania. After the battle the Allied powers lost. We are now moving our navy to the Atlantic ocean.

So after all of the war Japan decided to take the german colonies in China. So after Russia took A1 Germany tried to take back A1 but failed, epically. Then Russia moved 400 troops to Romania and that’s going help with I think what’s going to happen next year


Rose Warrington

France 1917

In 1917 Germany has looked to Mexico for help, which I don’t know how that would help them when they are halfway across the Glob. Today the ottoman empire and Germany decided to attack Romania, after the battle the Central powers were victorious. This year the United states can finally help us! Great Britain tried to take our F1 back from Germany and failed and lost around 2000 troops. Now our allied power Italy just got attacked by Germany and Austria Hungary, they lost greatly they are now in the same boat as us. Ottoman Empire took over Greece for more resources. And we just got done helping  move 753 troops from great Britain into F3.  Hopefully that will help us next year.


Rose Warrington

France 1918

Today is the last year in the war and I’m very nervous that we will not get F1 back from Germany. The one objective we are hoping to gain back F1 this year, if that’s the last thing we do. The Austrian empire declared war on Serbia and in the A2 territory, Serbia and A2 were lost to the allied powers.

Our first attempt to try and take back F1. The US, Great Britain and 50 of our troops were used. Surprisingly we lost, we though we would have won because we did all of the math dealing with troops and winning chances. Germany attacked F2 and we lost without a fight we deiced to not fight back because we only have a limited amount of troops. The battle Germany tried to take over R3 and lost all 200 troops that he brought with him. After that battle Russia Used all of his troops and tried to take over G3 will all of his troops and lost all of them to Germany. We helped, with our 10 troops in North Africa, take back Greece because he needed to keep his country. The US helped us get back F1 in a battle that wiped out most of Germany’s troops! And that ended the war. We are grateful to at least have the Capital back. (TM)

