Finland & China 2 1938
China: Today I learned that I need resources very bad, I need to get my resources higher. I need to make alliances, I haven’t decided who I should work with yet. I want to start alliances before I try and regain my territory from Japan. I want to try working with the United States for sure, they have multiple resources, they can send them to me and that would be helpful. If I regain my territory from Japan then I can get some of my resources back. I will need some hep from other places getting all that I need. I can hopefully talk to Thailand and they will work with me and give me some of their resources.
Finland: Today I learned that I really don’t need that many resources. I only need one of each natural resource. This will be helpful when trying to get them from people, I won’t be asking too much from anyone. I can hopefully work with people to help keep me safe. As of right now, I want to stay neutral, I don’t want to make anyone mad or form any alliances with people. I don’t want to make anyone mad and start a war in my country or around. If anything happens that could affect me or alliances that I am in I will think about stepping in and helping the best that I can.
Finland & China 2, 1939
China: I have no idea what to do. I have a bad army, I need natural resources to help increase my army. I don’t know how to save China from being attacked. I am losing my territory, my only hope is to get resources and hope that can make my army better. I need to get the United States to help me, I need their resources and I need their help with their military, I am useless with no help. I talked to them today about them helping me and teaming up with me, I did not get anywhere with that. It is hard to need help and I don’t get it. France and Great Britain tried to help me out, but that did not go over very well, they were unable to help me keep my territory. Going into tomorrow my strategy is to get the United States on my side. I need to try and keep Japan from attacking me, I don’t know how to do that yet.
Finland: I almost let Europe use my land, good thing I did not let them. I made an alliance with Germany today, hopefully that will help me out. Finland has a really strong army, once I get my resources that will make my army one that no one wants to mess with. That will be incredibly helpful. I don’t want to make any alliances at this point in the war yet, I want to stay isolated. I made an alliance with Germany, however I have no intention of doing anything with them. I am going to sit back and watch the war until I am not able to sit back and watch it anymore. I think keeping myself out of the war will keep my country safe.
Finland & China 2, 1940
China: I got attacked and lost all of my land. I have nothing else to do, I have nothing else to do. I am rooting for the allied. I hope that Japan gets the crap kicked out of them. The United States was finally able to help, but it was too late. I got a little bit of help in China, but not enough to save me. I didn’t want to send too many troops because I would lose all of my land for sure. I wish I would of had more people to work with and be able to save some parts of China.
Finland: I was attacked by Russia and lost my land. I was able to kill 500 people, leaving me with 90, however after the first blow I was not able to save myself. No one was able to help me, I was alone. Russia said I should of let them move troops to my land, but I couldn’t. My army had a higher rating than Russia, but Russia had a lot more troops than I did. I really couldn’t do much, I couldn’t get anyone to send troops to me so that kind of back fired and made it so that I didn’t have anyone to help me out.
Finland & China 2, 1941
Journal – Today the allies lost, they had way more troops than anyone else and still lost, kind of disappointing. Germany is proving to be unstoppable, they will continue to beat everyone until someone has an army at least twice their size, maybe neutrals and allies should all team up to start taking over land from Germany. Honestly if anything as long as someone can take and one part of Germany it would show that they are a force to be reckoned with. The Axis powers are unstoppable as a whole, they haven’t lost a war since. The Allied Powers are not doing so great, they are losing land and they are
Finland & China 2, 1942
Journal – Today the Soviets joined the allied powers, that could be a smart move. Maybe they can help take over part of Germany. They are still unstoppable. If the Soviets are able to take parts of Germany and Japan’s land that could help them slow down. I think that the USSR should have joined the allied powers a lot sooner, they they could have worked with China and I could still have my land. My thoughts right now are that the Axis powers are going to destroy everyone in their path. Hopefully that changes, if Great Britain keeps helping out then maybe they can do something.
Finland & China 2, 1943
Journal – Today France was defeated. I wish that someone was able to help France, they are one of the last ones that are able to do anything. Italy tried to join France, but that did nothing for anyone. Germany has a very powerful army, so far no one has been able to go against him. France has a possibility of getting their country back and bringing power back. The United States needs to help an allied country, that is about the only way to defeat Germany. If I was the United States I would be sending my troops to France and possibly Great Britain so that we can all team up. After teaming up and having a plan I would do a surprise attack on Germany, starting in 1 part and attacking the rest of the country after that. This will be the only way, that I see, having them be defeated.
Finland & China 2, 1944
Journal – Today France had a great comeback. France, Great Britain, and the United States were finally able to team up and defeat Germany. Germany lost their main front, this made the almost useless. For Germany as long as they had their main front no one could get past them. When they lost this it took a toll on their army as a whole. This was the perfect opportunity for the U.S., G. B., and France to really team up and start taking land back. This made it so that Germany was losing all the power they thought they had. France, Great Britain, and the United States need to continue to work together, if they do they might be able to conquer the rest of the land and free the people of German rule. This was the comeback the world needed to see, I think everyone started to feel defeat and didn’t know what to do anymore. I am really proud of the three countries that were able to take back land. I wish that I would have had more alliances so that I could have been more help. If I could redo it I would try and make sure that both China and Finland were able to make alliances and get the sources they need to be successful.