Journal 1- Poland 1938
As of tomorrow WWII will have started. As the president of Poland I plan to lay low while making as many alliances as possible. We don’t want to aggravate any countries but we are surrounded by the two strongest countries. We plan to get Great Britain and France to help defend us as long as the Baltic Sea is open. We are allied with Great Britain and France but we need them to vow to defend the borders around Poland. We, as Poland, are to week to take on the countries on both sides.
Journal 2- Poland 1939
P1 was attacked by the German army, they were to strong and we couldn’t defend ourselves. I made the executive decision to not move the 400 troops from P1 to P2. That decision seemed to pay off. Later on the USSR decided to attack P2 with 600 troops. After the battle came to a close we survived with a total of 111 troops. We tried to negotiate with the USSR but they denied the request to ally. We have received intel that Germany is planning on taking out P2 tomorrow. Nobody will be able to help us due to the fact that the Baltic Sea is closed. Our plan for the future is to see if Poland will survive and continue from there.
Journal 3- Poland 1940
Poland was defeated by Germany, they attacked P2 and won. We couldn’t get help because the Baltic Sea was closed by the Germans. France was going to come and help but as said before the Baltic sea was not passable. As of 1940 Poland has fallen to Germany.
Journal 4- Poland 1941
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 5- Poland 1942
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 6- Poland 1943
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 7- Poland 1944
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 8- Poland 1945
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 1- Netherlands 1938
Our plan is to stay neutral as long as possible. We signed a secret alliance with Germany to try and keep them away from us. We are afraid that they will get power hungry and try and take us over. We are hoping that if they want to get to France they will take Belgium but then that will leave us stranded, surrounded by Germany.
Journal 2- Netherlands 1939
We still are trying to stay out of the war. Our armed forces aren’t strong enough to protect us from Germany. We have very few troops to defend with so we are trying to blend in and act as though we are not even there.
Journal 3- Netherlands 1940
The Dutch East Indies were taken by the Japanese. We did nothing to defend it because there was nothing we could do. We continued to stay neutral to try and keep Germany away from us. All we have left is hope that we won’t get attacked by Germany.
Journal 4- Netherlands 1941
Today we got attacked by Germany, our plan for the future was to stay neutral until the final days and then join the allies. That plan was demolished with the war brought on by Germany. We joined the allies when Great Britain and France to tried to help us stay alive. We were suppose to surrender to Germany but we had the support behind us that we hoped would help us survive.
Journal 5- Netherlands 1942
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 6- Netherlands 1943
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 7- Netherlands 1944
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.
Journal 8- Netherlands 1945
After the fall of our country we had no troops to move so we continued helping our allies. We gave advice to the Allies to try and keep them from vanishing off the face of the earth.