Austria-Hungary 8 1913
Our country is in great peril! Our only heir to the throne has been killed by a Serbian nationalist! I think we are going to declare war on Serbia, as it is their governments fault our beloved Archduke Franz Ferdinand is dead! This will set off a lot of alliances, but Serbia must be punished!! The intelligence report says that Serbia has more soldiers than us, but we have more reserves. Some things that concern me are that Russia is allianced to Serbia, and has so many soldiers. Also, France is allianced with Russia and Great Britain is allianced with France, so if we declare war on one, we are basically declaring war on all three. However, we have Germany on our side. My plan is to take out France as early as possible, so that Great Britain can’t transport soldiers over to France for reinforcements.
Austria-Hungary 8 1914
- Germany attacked Russia
- Ottoman attacked Russia
- We attacked Serbia
Today, things did not go our way. However, while we didn’t reign victorious in today’s battles, I believe the central powers will win this war. To appease the slavic people, we publicly announced that we are giving them representation in our government. Hopefully that will keep them from rebellion and keep them happy finally! Ever since we annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, they have been enraged because of their nationalism, so if they have representation, that should satisfy them. We must gain access to the Aegean sea zone! But one piece of land stands in our way:Serbia. My intelligence however has said that they have to have extremely skilled soldiers, because they took little damage from our fight today. Our plan now is to attack Serbia with 500 of my soldiers, 280 of Bugarias soldiers, and 200 Ottoman soldiers, and hopefully that is enough to take out Serbia! I am discussing with Romania and Greece’s presidents so that hopefully we can ally and we can all go for Serbia at the same time, for an all around attack, and no one can help them! The best part about this is that this will also be able to help me get a route to the Aegean sea zone. Either way, we cannot fight a two-front war. We cannot fight Russia and France/Great Britain at the same time! I think the best way to fight France is to go through Italy. I’m pretty sure that we will have to be forceful in doing so, but that is the most effective way, and safest way, to destroy the Allies! Although we could go through Belgium, Great Britain is extremely close and can transport an abundance of soldiers very quickly. Through Italy, they have to move soldiers over. Tomorrow we take over Serbia and ally with Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece! Let’s do this!!!!
Austria-Hungary 8 1915
- Italy attacked Austria
- Me, ottoman, and Bulgaria attacked Serbia
- Britain’s navy attacked Germany’s navy
Today was a win for the central powers. We won every battle today, which gives me hope for the future! It was a little overkill, but Bulgaria, Ottoman, and my troops all attacked and defeated the ones who started this whole mess! I know the Allied powers are planning something with all the moving they did today, and I’m afraid that we might fight a two-front war, which is really bad and will defeat us quickly. The Allied Powers removed Romania from their group because of releasing information, so I’m planning on publicly allying with them tomorrow. I’m planning on allying with Greece tomorrow, which gives us more troops to move. France’s 4000 troops and Italy’s 2556 troops in Italy scares me. If they attack us, I’m afraid we won’t be able to defend against them. Our plan moving forward is moving troops to the borders to defend against the allies. Our plan is to let them invade us, so we are moving so we can back up our troops to get ready for the attack.
Austria-Hungary 8 1916
- Italy, france attacked us and took A2
- We attacked Russia, and gained R3
- Great britain attacked germany, but failed twice
Today I learned of the traitor Romania! Now, we must take Romania out alongside the other allied powers! I think we need to place a deadly blow on Romania as soon as possible! Like I said previously, France’s and Italy’s troops attacked our weakest place, where Germany couldn’t come to our aid. Since we lost A2, we need to get that back immediately with the help of our friends! I think my plan is to rather attack a deadly blow on Romania or attack G2 and try to take that over. My thought is that they can only move 1000 troops through the forest to help back up G2, so this may be our only chance to take it over. I am losing hope after today. The whole class is now against us and we do not have enough troops to fight them all. We will have a meeting tomorrow to talk about which point to attack. At this point, we need to take a lot of their troops out fast, with not a lot of losses.
Austria-Hungary 8 1917
- Us and Germany took over G2
- We took over Romania
- Ottoman and Bulgaria tried to take Greece, but lost
Russia surrendered!!! Now that Russia is not a problem anymore, we can focus all the rest of our troops to the western fight! We got back G2 from the allies, and destroyed Romania, the traitors! Finally Romania got what it deserved! While the allies took A1 from us, our first priority is to get it back! With tomorrow being the last day, we need to send all our troops to A1 and A2 to get our land back/attempt to get our land back! I think the Allies are going to do a little war, but in the end bring all the US troops over and just destroy us with all the new additions they get from them. I’m guessing that they will either attack Germany or attack Serbia to connect Greece to them. Then, they will bring all of the US troops over to fight for them. For us, its balls to the wall and using all our troops to go as far west as possible. Our last objective we need to complete is to retain our original territory, so we will do whatever it takes to do just that! Which area we attack depends on what the allies do, so let’s see what they do and get that bread!!!
Austria-Hungary 8 1918
- Great Britain attacked G1
- Allies attacked G2
- Allies attacked Serbia
- We took back A1
- We took back A2
- We took I1
- We took Serbia
- Bulgaria tried to take Greece, but lost
War is over! We ended up finishing all of our objectives, and getting extra land in the process! I’m honestly tired of all the bloodshed that has happened in the past years and am happy for it to be all over. Hopefully, we can create some peace between the European countries and keep long-lasting peace. There are basically no troops left on land, and most cities are destroyed. With more time, I believe we could take all of Europe and destroy the Allies even more. I am thankful that the US wasn’t able to bring many troops over, as it is reported that they have very strong soldiers, and they have many more than we could’ve handled. At some points, I had lost hope and was just trying to hold on, but I think in the end, we came out victorious! But I think we lost more than we gained in this war….. My plan is to not get involved in war ever again, unless it involves my country specifically.