Great Britain 2 1938
We are getting to know our country and find out some of the goals we need to accomplish and how we are going to do it. We are going to try and figure out our strategy. Tomorrow, we plan on announcing that we are going to support Poland. This will help us with one of our objectives, of honoring our alliance with Poland. We plan to honor alliance with Belgium as well. In the future, we plan on taking over the Baltic Sea to prevent Germany coming over and this will also help us invade other countries. We are going to try and get our rating as high as possible. We are planning to try and get as many natural resources we can get from the United States. We are going to do everything we can do complete our objectives!
Great Britain 2, 1939
Today we convinced the U.S. to give us some resources, they gave us some oil, so now all we need us rubber. We now have a secret alliance with the United States. We were going to make an alliance with the USSR but we saw them making alliance with people against us, so we decided not too. The USSR also turned on Poland, so we know that they can’t be trusted. We helped China when they got invaded but they still lost. Tomorrow, we are planning on asking Norway and Sweden if they want to make an alliance with us. We were thinking about taking over Arabia to get more coal, but the U.S. gave us some instead.
Great Britain 2, 1940
France helped us take over the Baltic Sea Zone. China needed some coal, so we decided to give them some since we had more than we needed, We also made our alliance with Sweden and Norway official. We decided to keep to secret, we don’t think anyone needs to know about it. We were asking around to see if anyone needs any resources, because we have all of ours except the rubber. We are struggling to get rubber because the axis powers have most of it.
Great Britain 2, 1941
The United States moved 400 troops over into France. They did this because Germany moved troops into Belgium, so they were going to get invaded soon. Germany did end up invaded F1 of France, the United States and France moved everything they could. We also moved everything we could to help them but Germany still won. We sent over some troops to help the U.S. when Japan invaded the Philippines but that didn’t really help.
Great Britain 2, 1942
Germany invaded F3 of France and we sent all of out troops that we could. We knew that we wouldn’t win, but we decided to do it anyways because it would weaken Germany. We were right, we didn’t win but it did weaken them. Italy invaded Egypt and we brought in 50 troops from Palestine. The axis powers still won. The USSR turned to the Allied Powers. We were a little skeptical at first, because in the beginning they betrayed the allied powers, but we decided to take a chance and trust them. They needed a lot of resources. We took over Arabia, to get the 5 coal. We are planning on giving the USSR 12 coal.
Great Britain 2, 1943
The Axis Powers took over Poland, which made them even weaker. We are planning on taking F3 of France back or taking over Germany. We have to move troops to certain spots in order for this to work. So it’ll take a awhile to accomplish this. Italy invaded Arabia and Serbia we decided not to do anything because it’s not worth it. We lost the coal that we gained from that country but it was okay because we had the coal that we needed. We just couldn’t give the USSR the coal that they needed.
Great Britain 2, 1944
We finally decided to invade F1 of France to get it back from the Axis powers. We won. Then we moved some troops to prepare for taking over Germany. We are also thinking on taking over the rest of France. We took over F3 of France and then we attacked Germany and we won. The U.S. took over the rest of France. The U.S. invaded the Netherlands and P1 of Poland and they won. We are trying to get as much territory and land as we can.
Great Britain 2, 1945
We decided to take over Belarus, and we won. The USSR isn’t looking to good, Japan is trying to take over. We are trying our best to fight back and help them, but there wasn’t much that we could do. We have started to take some of the territory that they had lost. We had an advantage in the war because we were on an island. It would have been very hard for the other countries to invade us. It also made it easier for us too move in navy. Overall, we accomplished many things. The allied powers won the war and we completed most or even maybe all of our objectives that we had.