France 12 1914
It is very quiet on the East side of France. The war on the Eastern front, is at a standstill with no troop movement and no war. We are getting in place to defend any attack German might throw at us from the East. Maybe Germany will suffer casualties moving through the Ardennes forest, so we will have the number advantage on them if we go into battle with them. Overall a very quiet year for the French nation and we have not suffered casualties and losing troops.

France 12 1915
The day we knew was coming finally happened the Germans came through neutral Belgium with 3,000 troops. We moved an extra 180 troops in to help defend against the powerful German army. With our numbers at 4,962 and the Germans at 3,000. We used poison gas which had a low effect on the highly developed German army. We got the victory and suffered a lot of casualties in the process. We are down to 12 troops on the Eastern Front. We need a momentum swing to put the Germans on their heels. We need the reserves to help us out, and we need a lot of them to defend our country. THe British are honoring their alliance with us by sending troops in for defensive efforts until we can get our troop numbers back up to healthy numbers.

France 12 1916
We got more French soldiers to help protect our territory, and we furthermore got British and Portugal to send troops to help play defense. We are thinking about an all out attack on Germany from the top and bottom, but we can only send 1,000 troops at a time through the Ardennes forest. The Russians western front was captured in a close battle, but they took over part of the Ottoman Empire, and have enough troops to take back their western front from Germany and Austria-Hungary. The objectives of France are coming together nicely, if we can take over the G2 from Germany, this will be a long war and a difficult chess match, and we need to come up with a better strategy.

France 12 1917
America has joined our side of the war, which is a blessing, they have very strong troops and a lot of them. We moved 500 American troops into the the Eastern front of France with the hope that we can take the Western edge of a powerful German army. We made an alliance with America today, and they said they would help invade Germany with their more powerful army. We sent 500 American troops and 500 French troops into the Ardennes forest with the hope that we can over power Germany. But the forest limited us again, we could not send enough troops into Germany to conquer the Western front. With the war settling down for the day we are planning out strategies to make Germany surrender and lose this war. We will need to bring as many American soldiers into France and Great Britain as we can so we can take over the powerful Germany army and win this War!!!!

France 12 1918
We had the chance to use the more powerful American army, but failed when we lacked the naval transportation needed to get them to the war zones in Europe. We sent troops along with Britain down to Italy to help them regain their lost territory. Our allies Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria all perished in the war, and we couldn’t even help defend them during the battles. Our Russian allies were totally wiped out and lost control of their government, which in turn they lost their country, in a vicious last second battle. The war ended before we could recapture territory from the ruthless Germans but if the worst thing that comes out of this war is a little bit of land not regained we are the lucky ones. At the end of the war Germany tried an all out last ditch effort attack to wipe out France and try to capture all of Europe after that, but lucky they did not send enough troops thinking that they could better us with the lower amount, but with help from our allies we were victorious and did not give an inch to the Germans. We know of what we could have done better in the war and realized our mistakes, but we are still a country and Germany is at bay…… for now.

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